A Message from the Grand Commander
George MacLean GCSG GCTJ

Dear Templars,

I have been following the COVID-19 numbers in our Grand Priories and Mentored Entities since the pandemic started. I have also had feedback from some grand priories on the limited charitable activities that they are able to carry out. Once again this demonstrates the strength of our Christian focus as even in the darkest of times we are thinking of others less fortunate than ourselves. I hope that you and your families are keeping well and are sheltered from the very worst.

During this lockdown, our Vicar General has been hosting a prayer service on Facebook, which has become very popular. It is confirming that joining with others in a prayer service is good for the soul, and I recognise in myself that I feel much better after taking part, as I take great comfort from sharing prayer time with my brothers and sisters.

By the time this document comes to print, hopefully we will be less restricted and able to meet our families and friends. Here in the UK we have four governments all with slightly different rules and regulations in place to keep the populations safe, but major travel plans are still outlawed. You will know that my suggestion to the GMC to postpone our GCG/GMC in Sofia in October was passed by electronic vote, and we will be meeting in the Spring of 2021 instead. I do hope to see as many of you as possible in the beautiful city of Sofia, where we are assured of the very warmest Templar welcome.

Grand Commander, OSMTH
Non Nobis, Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam

Spring 2020
Quarterly Publication - OSMTH
(Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem)


Grand Master Message

Grand Commander Message

OSMTH Donations Program

Venues Committee

OSMTH Prays for Peace

OSMTH and the GDPR

OSMTH Poetry Contest

VGE Celebrates 90th!

George MacLean
Grand Commander

OSMTH Webmaster
Chvse. Kathleen Watson GCTJ, CMTJ

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