Simon Le Fevre GCTJ
OSMTH Almoner General

Over the last few years, OSMTH has been fortunate to be able to build up the Order’s international reserve funds. At the Grand Magistral Council of OSMTH meeting, held in Milwaukee, USA, on 26/27 May 2019, the GMC gave approval to a limited program of charitable donations totalling 10,000 Euros (approximately 11,200 US Dollars) for the year 2019/20.

The OSMTH International Donations Program is designed to further the following Object set out in OSMTH’s International Statutes, which is:

  • to encourage and promote Christian humanitarian work and charity generally, but especially in support of people in the Middle East;

in ways which are consistent with current key International Policy & Advocacy Positions of OSMTH, which are:

  • to support religious and educational institutions, which seek to sustain a diverse Christian presence in the Holy Land and the wider Middle East;
  • to advocate, through United Nations' and other civil society forums, for human rights and with an emphasis on peacebuilding; and
  • to support "Christians at Risk" in the Holy Land and the wider Middle East, by aiding the Christian diaspora and other threatened minority faith groups which find themselves in hostile environments, particularly by providing education and employment opportunities which allow them to remain in their ancestral homelands.

Three current recipient organisations are highlighted in subsequent pages of the OSMTH Carpe Diem:


Fraternally yours,
Non Nobis, Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam

Spring 2020
Quarterly Publication - OSMTH
(Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem)


Grand Master Message

Grand Commander Message

OSMTH Donations Program

Venues Committee

OSMTH Prays for Peace

OSMTH and the GDPR

OSMTH Poetry Contest

VGE Celebrates 90th!

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© 2020 OSMTH (Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem, Inc.) All Rights Reserved