A Message from the Grand Commander
George MacLean GCSG GCTJ

Brothers and Sisters,

It was a great pleasure for me to meet with so many knights and dames from around the world at the GMC Milwaukee. I was pleased to be invited to so many GPUSA events beforehand and to meet members who are doing the work across the United States. Whenever I get the chance to hear what knights and dames are doing to make this world a better place it is like a vitamin booster for myself, and I can use these amazing and inspiring stories to illustrate what a modern chivalric order actually does. We are certainly not a dining club!

During the GMC Milwaukee event, Elections for Grand Commander, Deputy Grand Commander and Chancellor General took place. I am humbled to inform you that I was re-elected as Grand Commander, as was Dale Starkes to Chancellor General. I am very pleased to inform you that Juha Viljamma, currently Grand Prior of Finland, was elected to the role of Deputy Grand Commander. We three will serve from October 2019 until October 2022.

Finally I would like to take this opportunity to thank my current Deputy and dear friend, Tom Curtis, for his support to me not only since I was elected Grand Commander but also in guiding me when I was a grand prior. Tom’s term of office will come to an end in October 2019.

Grand Commander, OSMTH
Non Nobis, Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam

Summer 2019
Quarterly Publication - OSMTH
(Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem)


Grand Commander Message

News from the Envoy General


OSMTH 2018 Highlights

OSMTH News in Brief

Tomar Fall GMC Registration

George MacLean
Grand Commander

OSMTH Editor
Chev. Marston Watson, GCTJ, CMTJ

OSMTH Webmaster
Chvse. Kathleen Watson GCTJ, CMTJ

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