News from the Envoy General
Simon Le Fevre, GCTJ

Brothers and Sisters,

OSMTH Envoy General informed the Spring 2019 Grand Magistral Council Meeting in Milwaukee, USA, that OSMTH would make a Submission to the Independent Review of Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) Support for Persecuted Christians. This Review was commissioned at the end of December 2018 by the Foreign & Commonwealth Secretary (who is the Foreign Minister of the United Kingdom Government) and the Review was chaired by the Church of England (Anglican) Bishop of Truro.

The Objectives set for the Review were to:

  1. Establish recent and continuing levels of persecution and other discriminatory treatment affecting Christian communities around the world, focusing on a number of key countries, and based on an assessment of the existing data, and identify trends and underlying social, ideological, political and historical drivers and causes;
  2. Analyse the range of persecution and other discrimination Christians suffer, their direct discrimination or targeting in law, employment, business, education and academia; discrimination due to social or cultural norms, especially with regard to gender inequality; or that resulting from insufficient protection in administrative, political or legal systems;
  3. Examine the treatment of and outcomes for affected Christians and the range and effectiveness of local and international responses, including that of regional and multilateral bodies;
  4. Provide an independent and objective assessment of FCO support, specifically whether the FCO offers appropriate and proportionate support for Christians, given the various religious minorities and discriminated groups facing threats; and
  5. Identify countries of most concern and/or where the UK has particular opportunities to influence.

The OSMTH Submission Letter was submitted to the Bishop of Truro, as the Chair of the Review, on 21 June 2019. A copy was also sent to Baron Ahmad in his capacity as the United Kingdom Government¹s Minister of State for the Commonwealth and the UN, at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, and as the Prime Minister¹s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief.

The Final Report & Recommendations of the Independent Review of Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) Support for Persecuted Christians were published on Monday 8 July 2019 in London and presented to the United Kingdom Government.

The full Final Report is a lengthy document, but here is a Summary of the Recommendations.

You will see that the Final Report's Recommendations 12 and 13 a), b), c), e) and g) address in large measure the issues OSMTH set out in Points 1 to 4 of our Submission Letter. No doubt, as we anticipated, our views were shared by many of the other Churches, NGOs and academic institutions which made submissions.

Beyond these points, however, you may be pleased to see that Recommendation 20 (regarding a UN Security Council Resolution) of the Final Report is taken "word for word" from OSMTH¹s Point 5 in our Submission Letter. I think it is humbling for us to know that OSMTH has been able to have this direct influence on such a vital matter.

This proposal for a Security Council Resolution has also been highlighted by the UK Government¹s Foreign Secretary in the Press Conference in London on Monday. View the Press Conference speeches.

OSMTH will send a letter of thanks to the Bishop of Truro for the inclusion of this OSMTH Recommendation in the Final Report of the Independent Review.

Envoy General, OSMTH
Non Nobis, Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam

Grand Commander, OSMTH
Non Nobis, Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam

Summer 2019
Quarterly Publication - OSMTH
(Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem)


Grand Commander Message

News from the Envoy General


OSMTH 2018 Highlights

OSMTH News in Brief

Tomar Fall GMC Registration

GMC Milwaukee Survey
Anthony Cuthbert GCTJ
Venues Committee Chair

There will be no distribution of the post-GMC survey this time because the bias of respondents was to GPUSA members attending the GPUSA event rather than the GMC event which followed. The survey results are very difficult to compare – almost impossible – with previous events due to the statistical outliers.


News from the Legate General
Rev Pertti Ruotsalo GCTJ, GMTJ, OHS

The Grand Magistral Council (GMC), held in Milwaukee WI, USA, in May 2019 approved the OSMTH Religious Legate LOGO, which was designed by the Principal Herald of Arms, Chev. Russ Copping. OSMTH Religious Legates will use this Logo in everything related to their office.


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