OSMTH Facebook Statistics
Iole De Angelis, OSMTH Facebook Moderator

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

At year end, the Communications Committee is providing statistics for the OSMTH Facebook open page.

4,680 people like the page
4,759 follow the page
An average of 3,650 people look at the page every day

Out of the people who liked the page, 85% men and 14% women (1% did not declare their gender on FB)

The administrators of the page respond to 60% of the messages (some messages are pointless or are bizarre requests: e.g. life membership at international level, images related to the Templars with no explanation, images about esoteric objects, etc.).

The posts concerning the Templars or OSMTH are read by an average of 1500 people, while other messages concerning charity, religion news international news are read by an average of 600 people all over the world.

We post an average of two items per week in order to maintain a presence without overwhelming information.

Those who like the page come from the following countries:
United States of America: 1,098
Italy: 347
United Kingdom: 269
Brazil: 266
Portugal: 215
France: 201
Germany: 180
Romania: 177
Serbia: 120
Bulgaria: 120

Iole De Angelis, OSMTH Facebook Moderator

Non Nobis, Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam

Fall 2019
Quarterly Publication - OSMTH
(Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem)


Christmas Message:Grand Master

Christmas Message:Grand Commander

Holiday Reception

The Knight in Me

Fall GMC Tomar

Bridge Building Partnership

OSMTH Facebook Statistics

George MacLean
Grand Commander

OSMTH Editor
Chev. Marston Watson, GCTJ, CMTJ

OSMTH Webmaster
Chvse. Kathleen Watson GCTJ, CMTJ

NOT FOR SALE: This is a free NGO publication, delivered by email.
The contents of this publication represent the personal opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or position of OSMTH or this publication. Texts, images and logos are owned by their respective copyright holders and are used by citation or with permission. All other content, images or graphics are the intellectual property of OSMTH, unless otherwise specified.
© 2019 OSMTH (Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem, Inc.) All Rights Reserved