A Message from the Grand Commander
LTC Thomas P Curtis, GCTJ, GMTJ


There have been a number of activities at the United Nations, in which the OSMTH has played a significant role. You may be familiar with some of them.

  1. CoNGO Elections in Geneva.
    As you know, the UN CoNGO held its major elections in Geneva on the first three days of March and the OSMTH was once again elected to its Board of Delegates. This was an important move forward in that it meant that we would continue to play a significant role as a Non-Governmental Organization in Special Consultative Status. It was a difficult event in which to participate, given the stormy weather that hit Europe just at that time. As a result, our special representative, Chev Simon LeFevre, was only able to participate, in person, on the last day. However, he was able to forward our case for consideration electronically. We were well enough appreciated for all that we had done through the years that we won election to remain an active participant for the next several years.

    Of singular importance, in addition, our Grand Master was elected as Vice President at large for the CoNGO. This will mean that he will be working in close concert with the CoNGO President Dr. Liberato Bautista in many of the major concerns of that UN body as well as our own. The Grand Master has already been contacted by President Bautista regarding working together in upcoming projects.

    As mentioned in my earlier news letter, all this was a reflection of a recognition of the work that OSMTH has done as an international “bridge builder”.

  2. In keeping with our past support, the OSMTH, through private subscription, contributed to the publication of the Handbook for the UN NGO Committee on the Status of Women. This is one of our supplemental concerns at the UN and reflects our ongoing effort to back a sustainable world development. Look below to see photos of our letter of support and the cover of the book.

As ever in Christ

Fraternally yours,
Non Nobis, Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam

Winter 2018
Quarterly Publication - Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem


Grand Commander Message

A 900th Perspective

Up Close and Personal-an interview


The Voice of the Voiceless

OSMTH Leadership for CoNGO

LTC Thomas Pelham Curtis II
Grand Commander

OSMTH Editor
Chev. Marston Watson, GCTJ, CMTJ

OSMTH Webmaster
Chvse. Kathleen Watson GCTJ, CMTJ


Registration is now closed for the OSMTH Grand Magistral Council - GMC Spring 2018. Here are the agenda and schedule for the GMC Athens in 18-22 April 2018:

Cover Letter
GMC Agenda
Schedule of Events

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The contents of this publication represent the personal opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or position of OSMTH or this publication. Texts, images and logos are owned by their respective copyright holders and are used by citation or with permission. All other content, images or graphics are the intellectual property of OSMTH, unless otherwise specified.
© 2018 OSMTH (Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem, Inc.) All Rights Reserved